While putting make up on is something that most of us girls enjoy, wouldn’t it be nice if we had the self confidence to face each day without having to contour and conceal most of our faces? It’s great to get yourself dolled up every now and then, but as we all know, continuous use of make up and facial products can leave our skin looking dull, spotty, and even dried out. Give your skin a break and brave to wear less make up with these tips and tricks. Trust us, you’ll never look back!

Get rid of those pesky dark circles once and for all!
Dark circles underneath the eyes are the bane of our lives, and when we’re busy with work, children, maintaining a social life, and also time for personal relationships, it’s no wonder that lack of sleep is causing us to have dark circles! There are a number of ways to banish them out of your life for good, so check them out:
- Get more sleep! We get that it’s easier said than done, but it’s important to make time for yourself to catch up on all important sleep. Not just for to eliminate dark circles, but for your general well being too! If you’re struggling to fall asleep at night, consider trying sleep hypnosis to help relax your mind into a natural sleep. Alternatively, write down your worries before bed to help take the load off your mind!
- Use skin lightening cream to banish the dark circles and make your eyes appear brighter than ever. Amaira Natural skincare offer a range of products that can help lighten the skin, tighten the skin, and reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes (perfect for any acne scars you may have on your face).
- Regularly treat your skin to a facemask and accompanying cucumber slices for your eyes. While this might seem super cliché it really does help maintain healthy skin and help reduce the appearance of dark circles!
Try these three tips and you’ll soon find that the need for concealer under the eyes each day is dramatically lessened!
Grow and shape your eyebrows
The trend in eyebrows has changed dramatically over the past few decades, but at the moment, full and luscious eyebrows are on trend and can completely change the way your face looks. Consider growing your eyebrows and then having them shaped using the form of threading. This will not only accentuate your natural features on your face, but having them threaded reduces the need to pluck so often.
Consider eyelash extensions
Mascara is a fantastic way of volumising, lengthening, and accentuating your eyelashes. However, with regular use you may notice that your natural eyelashes may occasionally fall out and generally look a little worn down. Rather than layering on mascara each day, consider having eyelash extensions fitted for a semi permanent, non-damaging way of having the eyelashes you want. Typically, extensions last a few months which means even less effort each morning! Alternatively, you might choose to have your eyelashes tinted to avoid the need for any fake eyelashes.
Use moisturising lip balm
Much alike your skin, your lips can be very sensitive and if you’re using the wrong kinds of products on them regularly, they will begin to dry out. While lipstick is a great addition to pretty much any face of make up, some brands will dry out your lips. Rather than using lipstick on a regular basis, consider using moisturising lip balm instead to help keep your lips healthy and moisturised. You can buy tinted lip balm that could also give the impression that you’re wearing lipstick!
Change your lifestyle to improve the appearance of your skin
Finally, while it’s important to look at what you’re putting on your skin, what you’re putting into your body could also be affecting the way your skin is appearing. Here are some tips on how you can change your lifestyle to help the appearance of your skin:
- Drink more water! The more hydrated your skin is, the better it will look!
- Eat more nutritious food so that your skin can reap the benefits from all of the nutrients.
- Quit smoking and cut back on alcohol. Both contribute to your skin aging faster than it should, not to mention the other health benefits!
As you can see, you could be wearing less make up on a daily basis and allowing your skin to repair and rejuvenate!