They say your eyes are the window to your soul, which makes your eyebrows that much more important! Ever since I got my brows done by Sebastian Latiolais back in December, I have become so much more conscious of their appearance and realized I was seriously over-plucking.
As I mentioned in a previous story about Sebastian and his brow care tips, the most important factors in getting perfect eyebrows is not about what to do, but about what not to do. Overplucking, waxing, and threading can lead to hair follicles never growing back or growing in strange directions (due to threading). It can also ruin the natural shape of the brow since these methods are not precise enough.
When I get my brows done by Sebastian, he first begins by examining my brows. He then goes in and plucks all the hairs that he determines should not be part of the brows. Even if a hair looks out of place, it may still be necessary to keep if you are trying to grow out fuller brows, and that’s what Sebastian is so great at.
After my first appointment, he put me in “brow-rehab” and even to this day, I rarely pluck my eyebrows unless there is a hair very far away from my brows. The photo below is a comparison of my brows before I visited Sebastian, and then afterwards. The after photo was taken after two appointments with him, after he recommended I not pluck any hairs until he saw me again at my second appointment.
As you can see, my whole face has been transformed just from more even and fuller brows. Eyebrows are what frames your face, and can make a huge difference in your appearance.
If you’re living in the NYC area, I would highly recommend going to Sebastian to get your eyebrows done. His studio is located in the Val El Salon and Spa, on the Upper East Side in NYC. Here is his website to see more of his amazing work:
Below are some more photos from his new studio and another before and after shot of his amazing work!