Review: Lauren B. Beauty Mulholland Drive Nail Polish

Lauren B. Mulholland Drive

Hello my lovely readers! I have an amazing beauty brand to share with you today – one that specializes in long-wear nail polishes as well as high end nail treatments. Lauren B. Beauty is a somewhat new brand on the beauty market and is quickly picking up a following of loyal customers due to the amazing and long-lasting formula. Continue reading “Review: Lauren B. Beauty Mulholland Drive Nail Polish”

Review: Armour Beauty Lip Glosses

Armour Lip Gloss
I recently tried a new brand of lip glosses called Armour Beauty, the brainchild of rocker and model Theo Kogan. With no luck finding a lip gloss that stayed on during her entire performance, Theo decided to create her own line of lip gloss meant to last! Continue reading “Review: Armour Beauty Lip Glosses”

OPI Color Paints Collection – Review & Swatches

OPI Color Paints Collection
The OPI Color Paints Collection is a new line of blendable nail lacquers that let you layer and mix colors to create your own unique looks. Featuring 9 new semi-translucent shades, this collection invites you to tap into your creative side and treat every nail like a paintable mini canvas.

Continue reading “OPI Color Paints Collection – Review & Swatches”

Review: NYC New York Color Strip Me Off Base Coat

NYC New York Color Strip Me Off Base Coat

If you’re like me and change your nail polish several times a week, you absolutely NEED the NYC New York Color Strip Me Off Base Coat. Not only does it smooth out nails and double as a ridge filler, but it also provides for an instant removal of nail polish – no acetone needed! Continue reading “Review: NYC New York Color Strip Me Off Base Coat”

Review: Pure Ice Flirt Alert Nail Polish

Pure Ice Flirt Alert Nail Polish
I don’t know about you, but I can’t resist a hot pink manicure to start out my summer. Pure Ice nail polish in “Flirt Alert” is a warm-toned bright pink with an excellent opaque formula. The pigmentation is also really great in this color, meaning you can get away with just one coat!
Continue reading “Review: Pure Ice Flirt Alert Nail Polish”