Your lips are not meeting your expectations. You simply don’t have the volume that you would like to see. When you compare your mouth to what you see on other women around you, in magazines, and on the screen, you feel like your lips leave something to be desired. You may have never had the fullness that will give you confidence when you pucker up. Your lips may have lost volume as you grew older. Regardless of why they aren’t what you want to see, dermal injections can give you a captivating smile with fullness that is the envy of others.
Get Lips that Look Naturally Fuller by Targeting the Right Areas
Dermal fillers are a popular options to add volume to any area on your face. People choose this popular alternative for hollow cheeks. Dermal fillers can alter the shape of your nose, your jawline, and your chin. They are also effective in lifting the skin to smooth away wrinkles as you get older to defy aging. When it comes to your mouth, you can have dermal filler injections that will plump up your lips. However, you don’t want that overblown look that makes your looks look too puffy. You’ve seen women who have gone too far. You are looking for results that will give you the appearance of naturally fuller lips. They’ll have more definition and be plumper than they were before. You will be able to have confidence in the way your lips look whether you are wearing lipstick or not. The key is to have the right injection sites.
Which Sites are Best When You Have Lip Injections?
When you choose to have dermal fillers injected into your lips, you need a skilled plastic surgeon who knows strategic injection sites that will give you optimal results. You also need to remember that less is more. Really think about your final outcome. If you go overboard with your injections, you will have large, puffy lips that really stand out. If you want it to look natural, the most attractive results will come when you ask for less filler. Remember that you can always have additional injections if you want to go bigger. It’s a different story if you go too big in the first place. As your plastic surgeon evaluates your mouth, it will be possible to look at the areas where you could benefit from more fullness. You’ll also want to consider your options for types of fillers. If your plastic surgeon can offer you a filler with hyaluronic acid, you can expect the best outcome. This is a type of acid that the body produces. It is effective when used as a dermal filler because it binds itself to moisture. When it is drawn to water that is in your cells, it adds volume. You get the fullness you are looking for in your lips. You’ll also be dealing with fewer bumps as opposed to other types of fillers. As your plastic surgeon considers achieving ideal results, you can expect injections at the corners of your lips, at the cupid’s bow beneath your nose, and at the borders of your lips as needed. If you are like most patients, you will need more emphasis on your top lip. However, your plastic surgeon will target key areas on the border of your lower lip if you need more fullness.
What Can You Do if You aren’t Happy with Your Results from Dermal Fillers for Your Lips?
No one will truly know how they feel about enhanced lips until it has happened. When you walk away, you may look at your fuller lips and feel that they don’t have as much volume as you would like to see. You can always ask for additional injections. If you have the opposite problem, the filler can be dissolved in your lips. You do not have to live with lips that look like they are overdone. The main thing you need to remember is open communication is a must. Your plastic surgeon will not know you aren’t happy if you don’t speak up.
How Long Can You Expect Your Fuller Lips to Last?
If you choose to have your lips enhanced with a dermal filler, you won’t be getting results that will stick around forever. You can expect plumper lips for at least six months. They could last as long as a year. Once your lips start to lose volume, you can return to have an additional treatment. If you are tired of coming back in for injections, you can consider lip implants. Be aware that this will involve minor incisions in your lips in order to insert silicone implants into your lips. You could have some swelling and bruising. However, that can occur with dermal fillers as well.
Why Choose Injections to Give Your Lips a Boost?
Injections give you flexibility. Your plastic surgeon can target the areas that matter most to you. If you are only concerned with your bottom lip, your injections can go to key sites in this area. The same holds true for the upper lip which is most likely to thin out as you age. If you want to give your upper and lower lips more fullness, your plastic surgeon can use injections to get promising results.
The best way to find out how dermal fillers and key injection sites can improve your lips is to seek expert advice. At Premier Image Cosmetic and Laser Surgery, you can have a consultation visit with a talented and knowledgeable expert in the field. Discuss your goals for your mouth and find out what type of dermal fillers could benefit you. Ask about the best injection sites to that will benefit you most. Look at photo galleries of other patients who have chosen the same treatment option as you. You can have the naturally fuller lips you want.
Disclosure: This is a guest post powered by Premier Image Cosmetic & Laser Surgery